Heavy-Duty Motorcycle Clutch Springs Replacement (TBR7 / Hawk 250)

Motorcycle clutch springs.

Now I replaced my TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle stock clutch springs with heavy-duty motorcycle clutch springs. This upgrade was easy to do with one set of aftermarket clutch springs, and the results were interesting. So, in this post about upgrading my motorcycle clutch springs, I will cover how I replaced them, why I replaced them, and … Read more

A Wireless GPS Motorcycle Speedometer For My Boom Vader!

Why I went with a wireless gps motorcycle speedometer for my bike. Now no secreted factory-installed motorcycle speedometer on the Boom Vader, like most Grom-Clone motorcycles, is ‘off.’ Meaning it’s not accurate, always reading high. This was first noticed as I was doing top speed tests for my Boom Vader; I was getting faster speeds … Read more

How To Install A Phone Charger On A Motorcycle (Boom Vader/Grom Clone).

As I mentioned, I upgraded my first motorcycle, a TaoTao TBR7 Dual-Sport Motorcycle, which made it more comfortable and reliable. These improvements made me ride the bike for long distances from home. I solved my directional challenges by installing a cellphone holder on the motorcycle, but then I needed a way to charge that cell … Read more

Motorcycle Battery Trickle Charger Installed (Example: Boom Vader)

Motorcycle Battery Tender, trickle charger.

We all have differing opinions on stock motorcycle batteries, good or bad, but we can all agree that if we don’t take them, they all die. I’ve had much success with my TaoTao TBR7 motorcycle’s stock battery. The Chinese dual-sport still cranks hard and gets that motorcycle started with almost no problems. This is because … Read more

How to Install A USB Phone Charger For A Motorcycle – My TBR7 Bike.

With the continued upgrades my TaoTao TBR7 Chinese dual-sport motorcycle, it has become more fun to ride longer and further away from home. My cellphone battery life was coming into question and made me wonder how I could install a USB phone charger for a motorcycle? So I installed a motorcycle cellphone holder to open … Read more